
Prof. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes

Professor, University of Geneva; Director, MIDS; Director, CIDS

Prof. Zachary Douglas, KC

Professor, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies; Director, MIDS; Director, CIDS; Matrix Chambers

Prof. Thomas Schultz

Professor, University of Geneva; King’s College London; Graduate Institute

Dr. Mamadou Hebié

Associate Professor

Visiting Professors

Juan Pablo Argentato

Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris

Prof. Laurent Aynès

Professor, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Prof. George Bermann

Walter Gellhorn Professor and Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law, Columbia Law School

Prof. Sébastien Besson

Professor, University of Neuchâtel

Julian Bordaçahar

Legal Counsel and PCA Representative in the Argentine Republic Permanent Court of Arbitration

Gabriel Bottini

Partner in Madrid office

Professor Stavros Brekoulakis


Prof. Roque Caivano

Professor of arbitration, commercial law, mediation and contract law at the Faculty Law of the University of Buenos Aires

Brooks W. Daly

Deputy Secretary General and Principal Legal Counsel, Permanent Court of Arbitration

Prof. Maximin de Fontmichel

Professor Maximin de Fontmichel Professor, University of Western Brittany Director of the Master in Arbitration and International Trade Law, University Paris-Saclay

Martin Doe

Senior Legal Counsel Permanent Court of Arbitration

Mr. Alexander G. Fessas

Secretary General of the ICC International Court of Arbitration

Gonzalo Flores

Deputy Secretary-General, ICSID

Prof. Silvina González Napolitano

Chair Professor of Public International Law, Director of the Observatory on International Arbitration and Foreign Investment Law (Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires)

Dr. Mamadou Hebié

Associate Professor

Prof. Jean-Michel Jacquet

Honorary Professor, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Prof. Ann Catherine Kettlewell

Legal Counsel at the World Bank's International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes

Prof. Jan Kleinheisterkamp

Associate Professor, London School of Economics

Tanya Landon

Partner, Sidley Austin

Prof. Gabrielle Marceau

Associate Professor, University of Geneva

Prof. Makane M. Mbengue

Prof. Nicolas Michel

Honorary Professor, Graduate Institute and University of Geneva

Prof. Luke Nottage

Professor, University of Sidney

Prof. William W. "Rusty" Park

Professor, University of Boston

Dr Georgios Petrochilos KC


Dr Michele Potestà

Partner, Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler and Senior Researcher, CIDS

Prof. Antonio Rigozzi

Professor, University of Neuchâtel

Prof. Anthea Roberts

Professor, Australian National University

Prof. Catherine Rogers

Professor of international arbitration and professional ethics at Bocconi University

David Roney

Partner, Sidley Austin LLP

Professor Patricia Saiz

Professor in International Commercial Arbitration; Investment Arbitration; Director of International Relations

Birgit Sambeth Glasner

Partner, ALTENBURGER Ltd Legal + Tax

Geoffrey Senogles

Senogles & Co, Chartered Accountants

Prof. Eduardo Silva Romero

Founding Partner, WordStone Dispute Resolution

Prof. Lu Song

Professor, International Law Institute, China Foreign Affairs University

Prof. Guido Tawil

Independent Arbitrator

Prof. Pierre Tercier

Honorary Professor, University of Fribourg

Prof. Albert Jan van den Berg

Professor Emeritus, Erasmus University of Rotterdam

Prof. Jane Willems

Associate Professor Associate Director, International Arbitration & Dispute Settlement LL.M., Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing Attorney at Law

Prof. Eduardo Zuleta

Vice President of the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC

Prof. Marcelo Kohen

Professor, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Prof. Jacques de Werra

Professor / Director of the Digital Law Center, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva