MIDS Lecture with Prof. Brekoulakis:
"Impartiality and the Construction of Trust in Investor State Dispute Settlement"
Wednesday, 22 November 2023

The MIDS is delighted to welcome you to the Lecture on "Impartiality and the Construction of Trust in Investor State Dispute Settlement" with Prof. Stavros Brekoulakis.

Drawing on the findings of a large-scale empirical project, the lecture questions the applicability of an orthodox judicial doctrine of impartiality to ISDS on the grounds that trust in arbitrators is constructed on a fundamentally different basis from that of trust in judges. The Lecture calls for a new, and contextualised, approach which better corresponds to the fundamental value of trust in ISDS.


A cocktail reception will follow at the same venue.



Registration Date

Registration before
Tuesday, 21 November 2023 at 12:00


Uni-Mail MS 160
University of Geneva
Bd du Pont-d'Arve 40
1205, Geneva
