About the MIDS Alumni Network

The Geneva LL.M in International Dispute Settlement-MIDS is well over a decade old with over 300 students having now graduated from the program. The MIDS alumni is comprised of a significant number of geographically diverse individuals working across a broad range of careers from foreign affairs, trade or justice departments of governments, arbitral institutions, international organizations, NGOs or in international law departments of law firms or companies around the world.

The MIDS Alumni Network (the “Network”) will have the overall objectives of creating closer ties between MIDS alumni, both regionally and internationally; establishing closer connections between MIDS alumni and current MIDS students; facilitating internships or other opportunities for graduating MIDS students; encouraging ongoing collaboration between the alumni and the MIDS Faculty / CIDS; promoting the MIDS program, particularly in jurisdictions in which the program is not as well known; and raising funds for scholarships for future students.

The Network will adopt a similar structure to that of other alumni networks or young arbitration associations. Office holders will be appointed through an election process involving all MIDS alumni.

A provisional Steering Committee, comprised of Francisco Amallo, Rahul Donde, David Khachvani, Cara North, and Sheila Mammet, has been established to run the Network until the official launch event of the Network. The Steering Committee will draft a constitution for the Network, organize the first election process and the launch event, and commence with certain other activities within the overall objectives of the Network.

Further information concerning the launch event and the election process will be provided in the New Year. We count on the participation of all of you!
